This guide provides instructions for general collaboration across the entire project, as well as specific setup and contribution details for those working on the project documentation.
General Collaboration Guidelines¶
The HelMoRo project welcomes contributions in various forms: bug fixes, feature additions, and documentation improvements. Here’s how you can contribute across any part of the project.
1. Report or Identify Issues¶
Start by identifying or reporting issues. Describe the problem or suggest enhancements comprehensively.
- Repository issues page: HelMoRo issues
- Feature Bucket: Select from existing tasks on our GitHub projects page: Feature Bucket
2. Clone the Repository¶
For direct contributions, clone the repository using SSH (recommended):
If you prefer you can also fork it and then work on your own fork.
3. Create a Branch¶
Create a new branch in your cloned repository for the specific issue you are addressing:
4. Make Changes¶
Implement your fixes or enhancements within your branch. Keep your branch updated to avoid conflicts:
5. Commit and Push Changes¶
Commit your changes with clear, descriptive commit messages:
git add .
git commit -m "Detailed description of your changes"
git push origin issue-number-description
6. Submit a Pull Request¶
After pushing your changes, submit a pull request (PR) through GitHub, linking it back to the issue it resolves.
7. Participate in the Review Process¶
Engage with the project maintainers during the PR review process and address any feedback to facilitate the integration of your contributions.
8. Stay Involved¶
Continue contributing by addressing more issues, reviewing others' contributions, and participating in project discussions.
Contribution to Documentation¶
Before you start contributing to the documentation, you need to set up MkDocs, which is used to build and manage the project documentation. You can find all the Information in the